What separates me from other Doulas is my passion.

When I agree to take you on as my client, I put all my love, care and energy into you. I believe every birth parent deserves that attention. You can count on me to be calm, fully focused and present. Many agree that labor is heavily impacted by your mental state of mind and that is why I offer a complete Zen experience. I will do everything in my power to help get you as relaxed and confident as possible.

My promise is to be the sister for all my clients.

I am here to stand in your corner by offering complete non-judgmental support.

Why I became a Certified Labor Doula: My only sister was approaching her due date and because of the pandemic, she was not allowed to have visitors during her birth. On top of it already being an uncertain time, she was going to be a first-time mom and had tested positive for the coronavirus early in her pregnancy. Stressed out about how it would affect her baby and delivery, I needed to find a way to be there to support her. Since then, I have been honored to serve as a Doula for others and believe this was what I was always meant to do.


Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

-Howard Thurman-